Travel Map

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007


When we first arrived at Serendipity Beach in Sihanoukville we thought we had landed on a greek island at high season. We were tired from the cycle and managed to look at 3 or 4 guesthouses before settling for a spaceous basic room over the crammed trendy places. Sihanoukville is like a bunch of individual towns clustered together rather than a big city as it has lots of different areas and beaches. Serendipity is a busy beach area with bars and guesthouses everywhere. During our stay we discovered that we aactually preferred having breakfast at Weather Station Hill (another area which is more chilled out) and to swim at Sokha Beach (almost deserted apart from the resort, white sand, no one trying to sell you anything). Dinner however was best had at Serendipity Beach where seafood BBQ shacks line the beach selling babylobsters, scallops, prawns, squid, exotic fish such as the tasty elephant fish for very cheap. In order to go from one place to the other we decided to abandon our bikes for the time being and jump on moto taxis which take you anywhere for about a dollar and take 2 people at once. (3 people isn't many at all for cambodian motorbiking standards). One day we took part in an organised snorkeling trip which was good fun apart from the fact that it wasn't organised at all - we had to turn round because the boatsman had forgotten the petrol. But we saw some stripey fish and green coralls and the bamboo island which is as close to paradise as it gets.

Serendipity Beach at night

Our snorkeling trip and bamboo island

cleaning our bikes with the bumgun


the cow that didn't care

Kinh's Shack, our favourite dinner place

tribute to Scotland

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jesus guys, have just caught up with the last couple of weeks of your travels and it's looking amazing!!!

That pic with the two gals on the bike is beautiful (amongst many obv) and would be cool to get a print - if you ever return to this side of the divide.

Sitting here with Naomi in a new place we've moved into in barca. Is cool, v cheap and v central. We're good, xmas coming up, so London and barca for nu yr. Got 2 bottles of bucky for the ny celebrations ;)

I kinda feel like I'm travelling by proxy reading your blog. Unfortunately it's not really as good I think, but thanks for putting so much effort into sharing what you're up to, and think a big travel of some kind has been inspired in me wee hed for sure.

Miss you guys loads & loads & loads. If you ever get feel yourself gettin tired of the travel missions, or taking things for granted just think of us back in mundanety (where you'll probably end up) and how lucky u are to be out there :)

Keep it up you plucky duo you and will email properly in private soon ;)


