Travel Map

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Rough Route

Here is what we roughly intend to do:
09/10/07: Fly from Edinburgh to Bangkok, cycle Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapour, and maybe Sumatra.
End of March 2008: Fly from Singapour through Melbourne to New Zealand. Cycle from Christchurch to Auckland in a round trip of New Zealand.
Beginning of June 2008: Fly from Auckland via Bangkok back to Edinburgh.


kiki said...

I particularly like the dotted red lines.

Boris said...

hey, best of the fun, health, good weather and safe journey - can't wait for some anecdotes of your life on and off the road.
br, daniel

Lydia said...

Hi Kiki,
much fun and luck on your journey. We will pursue your route.
Best regards from Germany

Unknown said...

so where on the map is Krabi and Railey??