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Friday, November 2, 2007

Siem Reap

Siem Reap strikes us as very touristy after having been to the smaller places. The people here don't seem as friendly and kids and everyone is well trained to get money off the tourists, which is fair enough but makes it less relaxed for us. The architecture is amazing - french colonial style. We are staying in a friendly guesthouse, which has a courtyard where the tuk tuk drivers stop and marvel at our bike maintenance. It's also nice to be able to communicate in english rather than our hardly existing broken cambodian. We have a list of a few phrases and words but even so, sometimes people didn't understand us at all. Twice we ended up with a soup of about 20 different kinds of obscure meatbits for breakfast when we thought we had asked for vegetables, vegetarian, and no meat please.

1 comment:

Peter said...

I hope you did not choke on the humbuggers